You drive it everywhere. In fact, you can’t imagine how you would get through your day without it – work, errands, picking up the kids, getting to the grocery store, etc…
As you are driving your car, time slips by and you never get around to changing the oil, wiper blades or other maintenance like you should. Since money doesn’t grow on trees, you are economical about the gas you buy, finding the lowest price – after all, in our area we have some of the highest prices in the nation.
As you are driving your car, time slips by and you never get around to changing the oil, wiper blades or other maintenance like you should. Since money doesn’t grow on trees, you are economical about the gas you buy, finding the lowest price – after all, in our area we have some of the highest prices in the nation.
One day a dashboard light comes on. Some strange symbol that resembles what you think an engine looks like, so you find a reasonably priced mechanic and make an appointment. He charges you a nice low fee and after half-listening and tells you that he sees this all the time and it requires a minor repair. He pulls out a roll of black electrician tape, cuts off a small piece and tapes over the light on your dashboard – all done! You carry on, and things seem fine.
Some miles later, you start to hear a strange noise while driving, so back you go to your mechanic. He again charges you a nice low fee, tells you that he sees this all the time and it only requires a minor repair. He installs a small amplifier behind your radio and turns up the volume. All done! You carry on, and things seem fine.
Some miles later, you notice your car doesn’t accelerate as easily when merging onto the freeway, but you think “it’s ok, I can still get up to speed without too much trouble.” And you notice that in the morning, the engine doesn’t start as easily, but you rationalize “It’s not a brand new car, and it starts eventually.”
Then it happens. One day you are on the freeway and your car just quits! Panicked, you have it towed to the nearest mechanic. This mechanic diagnoses your car with Catastrophic Engine Failure most likely caused by low quality fuel, dirty fluids, and lack of maintenance. You need a new engine, or a new car.
Now, we all scoff at this and know we would never be so negligent as to not take care of our car. It’s obvious how important a car is to our daily life and livelihood. So now comes the obvious analogy – What about your irreplaceable body?
Are you taking a medication that feels like a piece of electrical tape over a warning light? Or turning up the volume on a radio to drown out a warning signal from your body? Are you told that everything is fine, but you know its not? Are you are not as fast as you once were (mentally or physically)? Are you tired in the morning or have energy slumps at other times of the day? Does it seem ludicrous to wait until your body needs a replacement part or sustains irreparable wear before you pay attention to your health? Even with health insurance (I mean “sick” insurance) the costs are too high when you take into account co-insurance, deductibles, missed work, broken family schedules and all the other ramifications of missing a day, week or month of your life.
Now is the time to really look at your health, and the health of your family. Quality food, alternative medicine, preventative care and base-line health testing are a few easy, inexpensive things you can do to ensure your body can meet all the demands it encounters in your life. If you would like to learn more, contact us. We are here to help!
Some miles later, you start to hear a strange noise while driving, so back you go to your mechanic. He again charges you a nice low fee, tells you that he sees this all the time and it only requires a minor repair. He installs a small amplifier behind your radio and turns up the volume. All done! You carry on, and things seem fine.
Some miles later, you notice your car doesn’t accelerate as easily when merging onto the freeway, but you think “it’s ok, I can still get up to speed without too much trouble.” And you notice that in the morning, the engine doesn’t start as easily, but you rationalize “It’s not a brand new car, and it starts eventually.”
Then it happens. One day you are on the freeway and your car just quits! Panicked, you have it towed to the nearest mechanic. This mechanic diagnoses your car with Catastrophic Engine Failure most likely caused by low quality fuel, dirty fluids, and lack of maintenance. You need a new engine, or a new car.
Now, we all scoff at this and know we would never be so negligent as to not take care of our car. It’s obvious how important a car is to our daily life and livelihood. So now comes the obvious analogy – What about your irreplaceable body?
Are you taking a medication that feels like a piece of electrical tape over a warning light? Or turning up the volume on a radio to drown out a warning signal from your body? Are you told that everything is fine, but you know its not? Are you are not as fast as you once were (mentally or physically)? Are you tired in the morning or have energy slumps at other times of the day? Does it seem ludicrous to wait until your body needs a replacement part or sustains irreparable wear before you pay attention to your health? Even with health insurance (I mean “sick” insurance) the costs are too high when you take into account co-insurance, deductibles, missed work, broken family schedules and all the other ramifications of missing a day, week or month of your life.
Now is the time to really look at your health, and the health of your family. Quality food, alternative medicine, preventative care and base-line health testing are a few easy, inexpensive things you can do to ensure your body can meet all the demands it encounters in your life. If you would like to learn more, contact us. We are here to help!